Working Together to Build a Stronger Recovery Community

Breaking Down Barriers Together

Refocus Recovery is thinking beyond the model of a traditional Recovery Community Organization serving a single population, focusing instead on building sustainable partnerships with countless organizations to create an effective network that is capable of providing services to as many individuals as possible.

We are also increasing access to this extensive network by reinforcing it with trained and certified Peer Recovery Specialists who offer necessary and often lifesaving services by meeting people who need help in their communities and working to remove the practical barriers that stand between them and long-term recovery.

How We Partner

A group of Refocus Recovery trainees
Free Training For Your Staff
Your staff are often already helping people in many of the ways that Certified Peer Recovery Specialists do. We offer free training to get them certified and able to provide better care and earn higher wages, without impacting your payroll.
A person typing on a laptop seated at a desk. We cannot see their face
Access to Peer Services
For organizations that do not already have Peer Recovery Specialists on staff, or who need more to support their populations, we provide immediate access to a curated workforce of peers to meet your specific needs.
Fiscal Sponsorships
Refocus Recovery can provide fiscal sponsorship to Recovery Community Organizations, and provide you with the billing and administrative support you need to grow your own peer services and help more people.

Our Partners Include

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Building Community, Connections and Careers
Creating a reliable recovery network through peer-to-peer relationships that engage and uplift individual members

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